Monday, April 28, 2008

Meghan's First Communion and Confirmation

Meghan made her first communion and confirmation on Friday night. I was really nervous for her because I was afraid she didn't know what was going on and what the sacraments were that she was receiving. But as usual she surprised me as did all the kids. When the bishop was asking them questions all of them had their hands up in the air and shouting out answers. Kids will amaze you time and time again.

The ceremony was really beautiful and I even teared up as she received the annointing oil as she was confirmed. How small they are but how grown up. *sigh*

The only downfall of the whole day was that 9 1/2 inches of snow we got dumped on us while we were in church. That kind of shot taking pictures outside. I was lucky I got pictures of Meghan and her sponsor. Oh well. Maybe we'll do better with Katie's next year.

Here are a couple of pictures from her big day.





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