Sunday, March 30, 2008

My boy knows what he wants!

Friday night I ended up working late, way later than normal. I am usually home by 10ish and then I nurse Aaron and he and we go off to bed. Well I had a sitter and called her at 10:15 and told her to let Aaron fall asleep as I knew I wouldn't be home till close to midnight. I got home at 11:45 and of course he was way sacked out so no nursing him that night.

Yesterday morning I got up with Aaron at 7:45 and brought him to the kitchen so I could make my coffee. I set him down, he screamed at me. I thought Ok here's a breakfast bar, momma needs her coffee. He threw it down on the floor and screamed at me some more. I guess he just wanted his momma and his milk. Sweet boy!

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