So we were having dinner yesterday and talking about the hospital for some reason and Ryan starts saying " mommy you were in hospital." I said yes, and can you remember why I was in the hospital? "You had baby Aaron." I though smart boy. Then he says " Yeah and you gave me a block puzzle." Which I did. I was amazed he remembered all of that. Chris said even he couldn't remembe what I had given him at the hospital, but somehow Ryan did.
We have been trying to pottytrain Ryan and he hasn't wanted to play along, so we dropped it and have been asking him here and there. If he says no, that is ok but we mention it to keep it in his mind. Last Sat at the pumpkin patch he told me that when he is a big boy, he will pee in the potty. I said, when you are 3 you will be a big boy. Yes, he said, when he is 3 he will pee in the potty. So we have been going with that. SO this Sat he decided to sit on the potty. Did for 3 minutes and went about his business. Yesterday he sat for Chris before bed. This morning I went to change him and he hadn't peed so I said, lets sit for 5 minutes. I left him to go upstairs to get his clothes and by the time I reached his room he called out that he had peed. So we are taking it one step at a time but I find this encouraging.
SO this is Halloween week. The costumes are done, except my hood and buttons and holes on my gangster costume. I plan on doing that today and getting it all cleaned up. Meghan is having her slumber party for her birthday on Friday night, so there is a lot to do for that. This time of year always seems to kill me with Halloween, three days later Meghan's birthday and 8 days after that Ryan's birthday. And I actually think 4 kids is kicking my ass. I am so tired all the time and never seem to get what I want accomplished. UGH!
I found out this morning that a good friend of mine lost the twin girls she was carrying. They had twin to twin transfusion and she was supposed to go the RI for a treatment and the twins passed on Sat. I can't imagine the pain she is going through and I don't know where she got the strength to deliver those babies. I always told Chris if we ever lost one in utero, I wouldn't be able to deliver it. I thank God for all my healthy kids, even if they drive me insane sometimes. I pray she and her husband will find the strength to try again. She is great with kids and I so would love to see her have her own. God Bless her and her family.
Well that is all for today. Aaron is already down for his morning nap as he woke up early. He has finally at 8 months learned to roll onto his stomach and has been sleeping that way, but the pressure from his helmet bothers him I think and he wakes up screaming. Anyway I best be going.
Pray for my friend... Jen
Happy Valentine’s!
5 days ago
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